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Image folder download using wget

i need to write a line in my script to download a directory(having about 10 images)from a url like abc.com/Image/images/,trying wget command as below in the script :

wget -e robots=off -r -l1 --no-parent -A.gif http://abc.com/Image/images/ OR wget -A "*.gif" http://abc.com/Image/images/

but it is giving error as :

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden 11:25:12 ERROR 403: Forbidden. Removing abc.com/Images/images/index.html since it should be rejected. unlink: No such file or directory

I am already using the wget command to download one file from the same URL and it is working fine but in case of directory it is failing.

Can anyone help me quickly in this?

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ha22109 Avatar asked Jun 28 '10 09:06


2 Answers

If you know names (you have to, if the remote dir is not "open" and the content can't be listed), consider having them into a file and use a for or while (in bash or powershell or what you have) or similar; if the names follow a "pattern", consider using curl instead, with it you can do things like

curl http://asdf.com/what/ever/image/img[00-99].gif -o img#1.gif

to download images with names img00.gif, img01.gif and so on.

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ShinTakezou Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 19:09


I suppose you can't list the directory on the webserver. wget is getting information about the contents of the directory you want to download from its web listing. If that is not allowed (403: Forbidden), then wget can't download the files. Of course, I may be wrong

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Shade Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 19:09
