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Image flickering when Glide loads it

I have a list of image views and some of them will be frequently updated with a fixed url. By appending a timestamp query parameter in the end of the url. It works, but I found when it updates it will also clear the current content. Any way to prevent this?

// the one needed to update with timestamp appended
image += "?"+String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
        .into(((VideoViewHolder) holder).img);

// the others don't need to update
        .into(((VideoViewHolder) holder).img);

Note that the others without timestamp appended are all good.

like image 745
Dayo Choul Avatar asked Nov 01 '17 11:11

Dayo Choul

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Glide enables effective loading and caching of images. You can load images from a variety of sources such as files URIs, Android resources, bitmaps, drawables, etc. Just use the load() method to receive images. Image editing and more transformations.

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1 Answers

Try this

.into(new SimpleTarget<Bitmap>() {

        public void onResourceReady(Bitmap arg0, GlideAnimation<? super Bitmap> arg1) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

If you're using Glide 3.x and wish to directly display the image without the small crossfade effect, call .dontAnimate() on the Glide request builder: for more read this : Glide — Placeholders & Fade Animations

Happy coding!!

like image 152
Hemant Parmar Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 11:09

Hemant Parmar