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I'm trying to connect to mongodb Atlas but I keep getting error and can't proceed



My error goes :

mongo "mongodb+srv://cluster0-ts5b5.mongodb.net/test" --username admin-David
MongoDB shell version v4.0.6
Enter password: Cannot get console mode 6

I meant to write password there but I can't proceed to password so I can't connect to Atlas at all. Please sort this problem!!

like image 749
David Cho Avatar asked Feb 21 '19 02:02

David Cho

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1 Answers

I ran into this same problem today, I was able to log in by including the password in the same statement where the url and username are.

So in your case try doing this:

mongo "mongodb+srv://cluster0-ts5b5.mongodb.net/test" --username admin-David --password <yourPasswordHere>

That worked for me, hopefully it helps!

MongoDB docs reference: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/program/mongo/#cmdoption-mongo-username

like image 148
Alex Abbott Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11

Alex Abbott