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MongoError: E11000 duplicate key error collection for unique compound index

Question is related to unique compound index unlike other such questions which have unique index only. I also have sparse: true for the indexes.

I've the following indexes in my collection

    "v": 2,
    "key": {
      "_id": 1
    "name": "_id_",
    "ns": "somedb.votes"
    "v": 2,
    "key": {
      "answerId": 1
    "name": "answerId_1",
    "ns": "somedb.votes",
    "sparse": true,
    "background": true
    "v": 2,
    "key": {
      "questionId": 1
    "name": "questionId_1",
    "ns": "somedb.votes",
    "sparse": true,
    "background": true
    "v": 2,
    "unique": true,
    "key": {
      "answerId": 1,
      "votedBy": 1
    "name": "answerId_1_votedBy_1",
    "ns": "somedb.votes",
    "sparse": true,
    "background": true
    "v": 2,
    "unique": true,
    "key": {
      "questionId": 1,
      "votedBy": 1
    "name": "questionId_1_votedBy_1",
    "ns": "somedb.votes",
    "sparse": true,
    "background": true

and I've the following document in the collection

  "_id": ObjectId("59fdd3ce915511329553dfaa"),
  "updatedAt": ISODate("2017-11-04T14:54:22.110Z"),
  "votedAt": ISODate("2017-11-04T14:50:54.681Z"),
  "questionId": ObjectId("59fc77e45a857465a90339cc"),
  "value": -1,
  "votedBy": ObjectId("59fc4274aa686d39abe5d58a"),
  "type": "QuestionVote",
  "__v": 0

Now when I try to execute the following

db.votes.insert({ questionId: ObjectId("59fc798d5a857465a90339cf"), value: -1, votedBy: ObjectId("59fc4274aa686d39abe5d58a"), type: 'QuestionVote', _id: ObjectId("5a003240bfd8194a02d0add8") })

I get the following error

E11000 duplicate key error collection: somedb.votes index: answerId_1_votedBy_1 dup key: { : null, : ObjectId('59fc4274aa686d39abe5d58a') }
  "nInserted": 0,
  "writeError": {
    "code": 11000,
    "errmsg": "E11000 duplicate key error collection: somedb.votes index: answerId_1_votedBy_1 dup key: { : null, : ObjectId('59fc4274aa686d39abe5d58a') }"

I don't understand the reason. The indexes are sparse and compound. But the error is just because of presence of the same votedBy field.

i.e. Executing the following,

db.votes.insert({votedBy: ObjectId("59fc4274aa686d39abe5d58a")})

I get the following error even if there is no explicit indexing on the votedBy object.

E11000 duplicate key error collection: somedb.votes index: answerId_1_votedBy_1 dup key: { : null, : ObjectId('59fc4274aa686d39abe5d58a') }
  "nInserted": 0,
  "writeError": {
    "code": 11000,
    "errmsg": "E11000 duplicate key error collection: somedb.votes index: answerId_1_votedBy_1 dup key: { : null, : ObjectId('59fc4274aa686d39abe5d58a') }"

Ref: Compound Index - https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/index-compound/#compound-indexes

like image 576
abhisekp Avatar asked Nov 06 '17 10:11


People also ask

How do I resolve e11000 duplicate key error?

If you ever faced this error all you need to do is to check your model carefully and find out that is there any unique key set true by you and if it is not necessary then simply remove the unique key from the model or otherwise set a unique value if it is necessary to be unique.

What is duplicate key error?

A duplicate key error means that there is already an instance in the table that has the same key field as the instance to be inserted. If duplicate key errors occur, the status of the file will change to Transfer of Data to Staging Tables Failed.

2 Answers

This is maybe due that there old indexes to the same collection, as checked from the console with this method:


Then drop them:


In your application where you define your schema you should be indexing your compound index like this:

  field1: 1,
    unique: true,
    sparse: true  //N.B:(sparse:true) is not a must for the compound unique indexing to work

Now restart your application and the last final desired compound indexing should work.

Extra Note

I found out when creating unique indexes and there already records in your DB that violate this creation, it doesn't work.

From node.js:

From my mongoose driver debugger, i can see that the driver tries to index

Mongoose: <my_collection>.ensureIndex({ field1: 1, 'field2.xx.xxx': 1, field: 3 }, { unique: true, background: true })

and I didn't receive any error from node but when I checked from the console with getIndexes() method, i didn't find the new indexing.

From the console:

I tried to ensureIndex

db.<my_collection>.ensureIndex({ field1: 1, 'field2.xx.xxx': 1, field: 3 }, { unique: true, background: true })

I got an error with the record that violate this indexing

    "ok" : 0,
    "errmsg" : "E11000 duplicate key error collection: <db_name>.<collection_name> index: field1_xxx.xxxx.xxxx_1_filed2_1 dup key: { : \"xxx\", : \"xxxx\", : ObjectId('xxx') }",
    "code" : 11000


Unique Indexing(compound or not) will not work if there any record that violates the new desired indexing, even if you drop all your indexes and retry to reIndex as I mentioned before.

like image 93
Farouk El kholy Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 05:10

Farouk El kholy

The reason behind this error is that. The index is not present in your collection, in which you are trying insert the record. So Solution is - Drop that collection and run your program again.

like image 38
user2049674 Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 05:10
