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IIS Smooth streaming low quality on start

I m hosting some adaptive streaming video on windows azure and I have noticed that at the beginning the video start with the lowest avaiable bitrate. That is a big issue.

I have seen by searching the internet that a trick can be done by hooking the manifestready event and removing the lowest bitrates and then adding them back after some time. It make sense but I have seen no sample code of doing that.

I got the player code from expression encoder 4 and had a look but found nowhere where to do the change.

Does someone have more info on improving startup for smooth streaming?

Thank you very much

like image 808
fred_ Avatar asked Aug 25 '11 11:08


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In IIS Manager, select the desired website or virtual directory, and then double-click the Live Smooth Streaming Publishing Points icon. On the Live Smooth Streaming Publishing Points page, in the Actions pane, click Add. In the Add Publishing Point dialog box, on the Basic Settings tab, enter the following information: File name.

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1 Answers

Hello I posted the question to the Media Platform Player forum and got an answer that works.

The discussion is here: http://smf.codeplex.com/discussions/271042

Here is the code I use:

public MainPage() {
        player.MediaPluginRegistered += new EventHandler<CustomEventArgs<IMediaPlugin>>(player_MediaPluginRegistered);
        player.PlayStateChanged += new EventHandler<CustomEventArgs<MediaPluginState>>(Player_PlayStateChanged);
private IAdaptiveMediaPlugin _adaptivePlugin = null;
private bool isStartupHeuristicsActive = false;

void player_MediaPluginRegistered(object sender, CustomEventArgs<IMediaPlugin> e) {
    var adaptivePlugin = e.Value as IAdaptiveMediaPlugin;
    if (adaptivePlugin == null) return; 
    if (_adaptivePlugin == null) _adaptivePlugin = adaptivePlugin;
    _adaptivePlugin.ManifestReady +=new Action<IAdaptiveMediaPlugin>(_adaptivePlugin_ManifestReady);

void  _adaptivePlugin_ManifestReady(IAdaptiveMediaPlugin obj)
    if (_adaptivePlugin != null)
        var videoStream = _adaptivePlugin.CurrentSegment.SelectedStreams.Where(i => i.Type == StreamType.Video).FirstOrDefault();

        if (videoStream != null)
            var averageBitrate = videoStream.AvailableTracks.Average(t => t.Bitrate);

            var track = videoStream.AvailableTracks.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Bitrate >= averageBitrate);
            if (track != null)
                isStartupHeuristicsActive = true;
                videoStream.SetSelectedTracks(new[] { track });

private void Player_PlayStateChanged(object sender, CustomEventArgs<MediaPluginState> e)
    if (isStartupHeuristicsActive && e.Value == MediaPluginState.Playing)
        isStartupHeuristicsActive = false;
        if (_adaptivePlugin != null)
            var videoStream = _adaptivePlugin.CurrentSegment.SelectedStreams.Where(i => i.Type == StreamType.Video).FirstOrDefault();
            if (videoStream != null)

Thank you

like image 191
fred_ Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 15:09
