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Ignore parsing errors during JSON.NET data parsing

I have an object with predefined data structure:

public class A {     public string Id {get;set;}     public bool? Enabled {get;set;}     public int? Age {get;set;} } 

and JSON is supposed to be

{ "Id": "123", "Enabled": true, "Age": 23 } 

I want to handle JSON error in positive way, and whenever server returns unexpected values for defined data-types I want it to be ignore and default value is set (null).

Right now when JSON is partially invalid I'm getting JSON reader exception:

{ "Id": "123", "Enabled": "NotABoolValue", "Age": 23 } 

And I don't get any object at all. What I want is to get an object:

new A() { Id = "123", Enabled = null, Age = 23 } 

and parsing warning if possible. Is it possible to accomplish with JSON.NET?

like image 760
Alexey Strakh Avatar asked Sep 29 '14 19:09

Alexey Strakh

1 Answers

To be able to handle deserialization errors, use the following code:

var a = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<A>("-- JSON STRING --", new JsonSerializerSettings     {         Error = HandleDeserializationError     }); 

where HandleDeserializationError is the following method:

public void HandleDeserializationError(object sender, ErrorEventArgs errorArgs) {     var currentError = errorArgs.ErrorContext.Error.Message;     errorArgs.ErrorContext.Handled = true; } 

The HandleDeserializationError will be called as many times as there are errors in the json string. The properties that are causing the error will not be initialized.

like image 191
Ilija Dimov Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 15:09

Ilija Dimov