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Ignore designer and generated files in Resharper analysis

I've been using Resharper for a few days and I really like this tool, but there's one thing that annoys me about it and I wonder if it can be changed.

I'm getting lots of issue notifications from generated code (almost 1400 in my project). I'd want to set those files as ignored so they won't be checked as you can do with StyleCop and CodeAnalysis. Unfortunatelly it looks like Resharper ignores Generated Code settings from it's options because I'm still getting the same notifications. I've tried setting a file mask (i.e. for *.resx) and add files manually to generated, but still it doesn't change anything.

I don't know if it matters but I'm using VS 2010.

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RaYell Avatar asked Jun 09 '10 12:06


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1 Answers

I've just received an answer for this from ReSharper support:

In order to skip those files during code inspection you should open ReSharper > Options > Code Inspection > Settings, press 'Edit items to skip' and add your files to that list.

like image 91
RaYell Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 17:11
