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If/else if always goes to else statement

I'm trying to make a function that determines commission based on user entered amount. It takes a user entered double and uses it to determine which equation it is used in. But the code I wrote always goes to the else statement, and I am not sure what is wrong with my conditions.

double calculate(double s)
    double c;
    if (s > 300,000)
        c = 25,000 + (0.15 * (s-300,000));
        cout << "went to if" << endl;
        return c;


    else if (300,000 > s && s > 100,000)
        c = 5,000 + (0.10 * (s-100,000));
        cout << "went to else if" << endl;
        return c;


        c = 0.05 * s;
        cout << "went to else" << endl;
        return c;

like image 676
gingikid Avatar asked Oct 23 '16 20:10


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After executing the statements following Then , ElseIf , or Else , execution continues with the statement following End If . The ElseIf and Else clauses are both optional. You can have as many ElseIf clauses as you want in an If ... Then ...

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Why is my else if statement not working?

If you are getting an error about the else it is because you've told the interpreter that the ; was the end of your if statement so when it finds the else a few lines later it starts complaining. A few examples of where not to put a semicolon: if (age < 18); if ( 9 > 10 ); if ("Yogi Bear".

1 Answers

s > 300,000 is a comma expression, equivalent to (s > 300),000. The value of a comma expression is the value of the last one in the list, here 000. Which evaluates as false when converted to bool.

You can write that as

if( s > 300'000 )

or, if the compiler doesn't support that newfangled notation, as just

if( s > 300000 )

Or you can define

double const k = 1000;

and write

if( s > 300*k )

And similarly for the 25 000, 100 000 and 5000 literals.

like image 147
Cheers and hth. - Alf Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09

Cheers and hth. - Alf