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If you can't change a variable's value in Haskell, how do you create data structures?

As per the title.

I have the following code which creates a binary search tree, but if I want it created and changed dynamically with user input, how would I do that if I can't change the value of a variable in haskell?!?

find :: (Ord a) => Node a -> a -> Bool
find (Node val left right) s
    | s == val      = True
    | s < val       = find left s
    | s > val       = find right s

find Empty s = False

data Node a = Node a (Node a) (Node a)
              | Empty

myTree = Node "m"   (Node "a" Empty Empty)
                    (Node "z" Empty Empty)

Thanks in advance!

like image 891
Dr. Thomas C. King Avatar asked Nov 26 '09 16:11

Dr. Thomas C. King

2 Answers

The idea behind purely functional data structures is to compute new values instead of changing them and to pass them (recursively) in parameters instead of storing them globally.

So given a function

insert :: Ord a => Node a -> a -> Node a

your programm could look like this

-- Let the user enter k values that are stored in a tree structure
addTreeItems :: Int -> Node Int -> IO (Node Int)
addTreeItems 0 tree = return tree
addTreeItems k tree = do
    putStr "Enter new item: "
    item <- readLn
    addTreeItems (k - 1) (insert tree item) -- Recursively pass the tree

main = do
    tree <- addTreeItems 10 Empty
    -- ...

Using monadic helper functions, this could be simplified to things like

(foldl insert Empty) `liftM` (sequence $ replicate k (putStr "Enter new item: " >> readLn))

If you want to update values at a certain position, you'll need more advanced datastructures like a zipper, that are nevertheless still purely functional!

like image 110
Dario Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 01:11


Dario gave a good direct answer. If you want more in-depth information, there's Purely Functional Data Structures by Chris Okasaki, an entire book on the subject. I bought it myself, but sadly, I don't have the time to experiment with the ideas.

like image 36
jprete Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 03:11
