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If my class is a literal class then is it redundant to declare an object of my class as constexpr?





I have a constexpr class Debug:

struct Debug {
  constexpr Debug(bool a, bool b, bool c) : a(a), b(b), c(c) {}
  bool a, b, c;
  constexpr bool get() const { return a; }

int main() {
  Debug dbg(true, false, false); // is dbg constexpr object?
  constexpr Debug dbg2(0, 0, 0); // is constexpr redundant here?

As you can see dbg is a constexpr object because it is initialized with a constexpr constructor so if I qualify it by a constexpr what is the point in that?

  • I don't know the difference between dbg and dbg2. Thank you.
like image 931
Maestro Avatar asked Jul 06 '19 22:07


People also ask

What does constexpr mean in C++?

constexpr indicates that the value, or return value, is constant and, where possible, is computed at compile time. A constexpr integral value can be used wherever a const integer is required, such as in template arguments and array declarations.

Can constexpr functions call non constexpr functions?

A call to a constexpr function produces the same result as a call to an equivalent non- constexpr function , except that a call to a constexpr function can appear in a constant expression. The main function cannot be declared with the constexpr specifier.

Where is constexpr defined?

constexpr stands for constant expression and is used to specify that a variable or function can be used in a constant expression, an expression that can be evaluated at compile time. The key point of constexpr is that it can be executed at compile time.

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Even though try blocks and inline assembly are allowed in constexpr functions, throwing exceptions or executing the assembly is still disallowed in a constant expression.

1 Answers

There is a major difference: only dbg2 can be used where a constant expression is required. As an example, consider the upcoming C++20 feature that allows arbitrary non-type template parameters:

template <Debug> void f() { }

With the above definition, f<dgb2>() will compile, while f<dgb>() will not.

<source>:7:29: note:   template argument deduction/substitution failed:

<source>:13:12: error: the value of 'dbg' is not usable in a constant expression
   13 |   foo<dbg>();  // ERROR
      |            ^

<source>:10:9: note: 'dbg' was not declared 'constexpr'
   10 |   Debug dbg(true, false, false); // is dbg constexpr object?

live example on godbolt.org

This is also significant in C++11. You will be able to say:

template <bool> void g() { }

But not:


live example on godbolt.org

like image 102
Vittorio Romeo Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 07:10

Vittorio Romeo