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'if' in prolog?

Is there a way to do an if in prolog, e.g. if a variable is 0, then to do some actions (write text to the terminal). An else isn't even needed, but I can't find any documentation of if.

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jreid9001 Avatar asked May 17 '10 12:05


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1 Answers

Yes, there is such a control construct in ISO Prolog, called ->. You use it like this:

( condition -> then_clause ; else_clause ) 

Here is an example that uses a chain of else-if-clauses:

(   X < 0 ->     writeln('X is negative.  That's weird!  Failing now.'),     fail ;   X =:= 0 ->     writeln('X is zero.') ;   writeln('X is positive.') ) 

Note that if you omit the else-clause, the condition failing will mean that the whole if-statement will fail. Therefore, I recommend always including the else-clause (even if it is just true).

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Matthias Benkard Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 22:09

Matthias Benkard