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If exists then quit VBS




Please take this script into context with my question:

If objFSO.FileExists("C:\Windows\Fonts\" & objFile.Name) Then
Wscript.Echo "Font already installed: " & objFile.Name

I want a VBS script to quit/exit/terminate if X file already exists. Currently, it will instead give a message box saying "Font Already Installed" as expected.

If I remove the Echo I instead get a blank box, where I still have to hit OK.

I want the script to just automatically end if X already exists with 0 user input.

Is this possible? I have wscript.quit and wscript.exit but just get errors.

The full script can be found here:

So again, in context, I want XYZ fonts to install. If they're already installed I want the script to just simply terminate without the need to hit OK. The intention is to deploy fonts accross a network.

like image 241
user3119717 Avatar asked Dec 19 '13 15:12


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Syntax: WScript.Quit ([lngExitCode]) lngExitCode. Receives the code to be returned by the program upon exit. The Quit method causes the current script to terminate and return the specified exit code.

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Echo. The Echo method displays parameters in a window (in Wscript.exe) or in a Command Prompt window (in Cscript.exe). Parameters are delimited by one space. Under Cscript.exe, this method outputs a carriage-return/line feed pair (CR LF) after the last parameter displayed.

1 Answers

Try this:

If objFSO.FileExists("C:\Windows\Fonts\" & objFile.Name) Then
End If
like image 176
aphoria Avatar answered Nov 22 '22 06:11
