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IF ELSE vs Select Case

I wish to know how this would impact my coding when handling large volumes of data, and how I would construct my logic arguments

Two questions:

1) What are the main differences between IF-ELSE and Select CASE? Does select case operate by evaluating all cases at the same time?

If I have a situation where, by nature of its construction, need to fulfill two or more cases at the same time, for e.g.

int = 5
Select case int
Case >0
Case 5
Case <0

Where I would need to "trigger" both Cases "1" and "2" for action, do I use CASE over IF ELSE?

2) Now for the other case, if I have a variable that will trigger more one case but I would like to restrict to only one case by priority, say I would only like Case "1" for action and exclude the rest, am I right to say that IF-ELSE would triumph in this regard?

EDIT - I realized that my question was phrased poorly. I did some edits to the code

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lackdaz Avatar asked Jun 11 '15 04:06


People also ask

Is select case better than if-else?

If both statements are applicable, then SELECT CASE is more clear because it applies in only a subset of the cases for which IF/ELSEIF applies.

Is Select Case faster than if-else?

Speed: A switch statement might prove to be faster than ifs provided number of cases are good. If there are only few cases, it might not effect the speed in any case. Prefer switch if the number of cases are more than 5 otherwise, you may use if-else too.

When should you use the Select Case statement?

A Select Case statement allows a variable to be tested for equality against a list of values. Each value is called a case, and the variable being switched on is checked for each select case.

Why is switch case more efficient than if Elseif else?

A switch statement works much faster than an equivalent if-else ladder. It's because the compiler generates a jump table for a switch during compilation. As a result, during execution, instead of checking which case is satisfied, it only decides which case has to be executed.

1 Answers

Some clarification on Select Case before actually answering your question:

  • as you suggested, you can combine several values in one Case switch in VBA, e.g.: Case Is>40, 20, 10, 2 To 3, for more information see documentation on MSDN
  • It'll execute at most one Case, it'll exit after finding a match (e.g. in the example execute Case >0 then exit without even evaluating Case 5)
  • It'll only evaluate your variable / expression once and use this same value for all comparisons in contrary to nested if which evaluates multiple time
  • if you want to execute "both" for a value you can nest if within case:

    Case Is > 0
        <Common code>
        If i = 5 Then
            <code only for  case 5>
        End If

Advantage of Select Case

  • It's more efficient when your decision is about multiple values of a single variant / expression
  • it also can be very useful when your expression is e.g. result of a time consuming function, in this case you really can save time compared to if

Advantage of If

  • Basically it's the good option in all the cases which are not described for Select Case e.g.:
    • you have only two options to choose from (it's the same time with both if and select, but if is easier to read)
    • you have multiple expressions to consider during decision and you can't easily convert them to a single value
  • Similarly to Select Case you can also use elseif to prepare multiple comparisons, it'll also stops at first fullfilled criteria, but here your expression will be evaluated every time until finding the match and of course you can use more complex criteria.
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Máté Juhász Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 19:09

Máté Juhász