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If a UDID is added to an existing provisioning profile, does the IPA require regeneration?

I see a lot of questions that ask how to add a UDID to an existing provisioning profile, but I haven't been able to find any info on whether or not that requires any IPAs using it to be recreated.

So for example if I...

  1. Create an ad-hoc provisioning profile "Internal Testers" with just me in it
  2. Export an application using that profile and put it up on testflightapp.com
  3. Add an additional UDID to my "Internal Testers" provisioning profile

Do I need to re-create the IPA? If the UDIDs end up stored inside the IPA, I'd imagine yes. If the UDIDs are stored online and referenced, I'd imagine no. However, no one seems to have any documentation on which way it works.

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Wisteso Avatar asked Feb 21 '14 04:02


People also ask

Where do I put UUID in provisioning profile?

Registering the UDID Click on "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" in the right sidebar (http://developer.apple.com/account/ressources/devices/list). In a second step, you need to add your devices to the application's provisioning profile you want to distribute to your testers.

How do I add a provisioning profile to my Iphone?

The provisioning profile will be added to iTunes. In the DEVICES section in iTunes, click on your device's name. You will be shown the device's summary information. Click on the Sync button at the bottom-right corner of iTunes to copy the provisioning profile to your device.

2 Answers

yes you do need to recreate the ipa after editing the provisional profile

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z22 Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 16:09


When using test flight, you can update your provisioning profile, then upload it by hand to test flight build (look under Permissions).

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Dmitry Shevchenko Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09

Dmitry Shevchenko