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IE Not Applying Styles

I am compiling several stylesheets into one min stylesheet in a staging environment The styles are applied locally in IE where each stylesheet is separate, but they are not being applied in the staging environment in IE where the stylesheets are compiled into one min stylesheet. I have run the stylesheets through a CSS validator and have gone through each stylesheet and corrected any syntax errors that I found. I don't necessarily need to know how to solve the problem, I mainly want to know where the problem exists. The IE developer tools aren't giving me any feedback related to the problem of styles not being applied.

Here is a link to the login page in the staging environment: https://s-app.joinhere.com/manage/sessions/new. The styles are in the stylesheet, they just aren't being applied in IE. Here's a link to the compiled min stylesheet: https://staging.joinhere.com/assets/manage-d4f70cefc93b170b5f2a04509db697c8.css


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Erik Van Lankvelt Avatar asked Apr 05 '12 21:04

Erik Van Lankvelt

1 Answers

I tried your page, and it works fine in Chrome. However it looks weird in IE9, as if the CSS styles are not being applied, just as you described. For example, the style body#manage-sessions #main_container #login_container is not getting applied. I looked at the css tab in the developer tools, and it turns out the style is not even there, which explains how it is not working. To find out why, I used the networks inspector from the developer tool and examined the response when IE9 is downloading the css, and the style body#manage-sessions #main_container #login_container is indeed in the response. This lead me to believe that there must be some limit on the max css file size for IE. It appears that this is indeed the case as described here. Apparently IE simply ignores additional styles if the css file gets past a certain size. So this explains why everything works when the css files are separate, and why things fall apart after you combine them. To solve the problem try splitting up your large css file into 2 or more smaller ones that fall under the IE limit, and see if this corrects the problem.

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Bojin Li Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 05:09

Bojin Li