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IE can't place focus and cursor on input text boxes after focusing out of tinyMCE editor

I've just reproduced the same error in tinyMCE fiddle.

here's the link : http://fiddle.tinymce.com/39daab

There are brief descriptions on the page...

following the steps will show you the error I run into...

I've been trying to solve this problem by my own, but I think I'm not able to.

I looked through tinyMCE documentation and bug report pages like a thousand of times,

but I couldn't get a hint for this.

It's really weird that IE can place focus, but can't cursor on input elements.

You can check the current focused element by selecting $('*:focus')...

focusing does work, but placing cursor doesn't.

like image 730
hina10531 Avatar asked Oct 25 '13 05:10


1 Answers

Posting this in case it helps someone else who runs into this. I had a similar issue. It seems like IE9+ has a bug where if the focus is on a dom element that is removed, the focus event on other elements stops working.

In my case I was able to resolve it by doing an $('input').focus() before destroying the rich text editor (CKEditor).

Bug is outlined here: Why can I sometimes not type into my <input> in IE?

and here: http://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/9122

like image 163
LauraKat Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 04:09
