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IE 11 Developer Tools Issue - Exception in window.onload

I installed Internet Explorer 11 on my Windows 7 machine and it's not building the DOM in DOM Explorer. Does any one know about this issue? I tried to uninstall and re-install IE many times, but the problem still persists. The DOM Explorer tabs shows error shown in image - enter image description here

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Smita More Avatar asked Dec 12 '14 02:12

Smita More

People also ask

Is IE11 still supported?

Yes, Internet Explorer 11 is the last major version of Internet Explorer. The Internet Explorer 11 desktop application went out of support for certain operating systems starting June 15, 2022. Customers are encouraged to move to Microsoft Edge with Internet Explorer (IE) mode.

How do I get to developer tools in Internet Explorer?

To access IE Developer Tools, you launch Internet Explorer and press F12 on your keyboard or select “F12 Developer Tools” on the “Tools” menu. This opens the developer tools inside the browser tab.

What are the properties of IE developer tools?

It was introduced as a toolbar for Internet Explorer 6 and 7. Internet Explorer 8 and later have developer tools built in. It allows validating of CSS and HTML, previewing page layout at various resolutions, and also offers a ruler (measuring in pixels) to aid in positioning the elements.

1 Answers

This security update fixed it for me and others involved:


Make sure you install the correct version of the security update. There is a different version for x86 installs of Windows 7, too.

like image 153
Smita More Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 04:10

Smita More