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IE 11 border-radius weirdness (did not occur in IE 9 and IE 10)

I have searched for similar questions related to border-radius in IE 11, but only one found on the Microsoft IE Developer site described what I am also currently experiencing since "upgrading" to IE 11. The answer to the post in that thread was to make certain the DOCTYPE was HTML5, and not Quirks.

I am currently finishing a redesign on a website and yes, it's HTML5 and has the correct DOCTYPE, but I am still getting a weird problem with border-radius. There's a 1px offset to almost every element where I've applied a border-radius. If I uncheck border-radius, the problem disappears and all is fine, but shockingly this wasn't an issue in IE 9 or IE 10. Only since IE 11 a few days ago, has this problem surfaced. I have tested on both Windows 7 with IE 11 and Windows 8.1 with IE 11, and the problem exists on both.

Example 1:

I have a border-radius: 5px 0 0 5px here, and then apply separate pseudo elements :before and :after to get the pointed triangle, but the border-radius seems to be creating a 1px white line, so it's no longer flush with the rest of the element. This worked fine even in IE 8, but is now broken in IE 11. If I remove the border-radius, the pseudo element triangle becomes flush with the element again.

Example 2:

An <a> link button, displayed as inline-block has a linear-gradient for a background, a blue 1px solid border and border-radius: 4px. But the border-radius creates another 1px white line inside the blue 1px border. No matter any other border-radius value, the white line remains unless border-radius is 0.

Example 3:

Three <a> link elements set to display: inline-block inside a <div> positioned relative to another <div> below it. The bottom <div> has a border-radius: 4px, and the <a> elements inside the top <div> have border-radius on the top left and right (shown). IE 11 displays a 1px gap between the two <div> elements (like shown in the other posters thread linked above). But if the border-radius on the bottom <div> is set to 0, the gap disappears.

Again, none of these instances were an issue in IE 9 and IE 10; only since IE 11 has this "1px gap" with elements having border-radius appeared. I don't know how to fix it. Of course no other browsers are affected. Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Chrome all display fine.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

like image 748
jrob007 Avatar asked Nov 18 '13 15:11


1 Answers

As far as I know there's a bug with border-radius in IE11. The issue you describe may be part of the bigger picture. More info.

like image 76
Matt Smith Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 20:09

Matt Smith