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Idiomatic way to do conditional list comprehension

I just started learning Haskell and I can't seem to find a good solution to create a list conditionally.

Basically, what I want is to do list comprehension with an if/else but without the else part. I am certain this is possible, I guess I am just using the wrong keywords on my googling quest.

A very stupid example in Python which I want to Haskellize:

[x for x in range(11) if x > 5]

In Haskell, as far as I understand we cannot omit else blocks like I did in the Python example. How should I do something like this? Does something like nothing exists which I can add to the else-block in list comprehension, like so:

[if x > 5 then x else Nothing | x <- [0..10]]

I actually came across Nothing in Haskell, though I haven't figure it out yet. It certainly doesn't seem to do what I hoped. Basically I don't want an else in my list comprehension, but if it's a necessary evil I want to insert nothing in the else block.

I can think of a bunch of hacks to get similar functionality very inefficiently:

  • filter the list after creating it, e.g. filter (>5) [0..10]
  • create a list of lists using list comprehension, for which I can create an empty list in the else block and then concat them, e.g. concat [if x > 5 then [x] else [] | x <- [0..10]]

These ideas all seem really ugly, though.

Ofcourse in practice I don't want to create conditional lists with such trivial conditions.

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Marc Claesen Avatar asked Apr 24 '14 13:04

Marc Claesen

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1 Answers

Use this:

Prelude> [x | x <- [0..10], x > 5]

In Haskell list comprehensions, the "source" expression and all the filters/ifs are "siblings", i.e. there's not much syntactic distinction between them, unlike in Python. So

<expr1> for <source_expr> if <cond_expr>

is just this in Haskell:

[<expr1> | <source_expr>, <cond_expr>, ...]

(source_expr being x in range(0, 10) in Python or x <- [0..9] in Haskell)

and you can have as many "source" and "filter" expressions in a Haskell list comprehension as you like.

This also means that you can write stuff in a style more similar to the mathematical notation; consider:

{ x : x ∈ [0, 10), x > 5 }

and see how the Haskell version is almost the same, compared to the Python one, which looks much more procedural/imperative.

This also works out trivially without any need for additional syntax/constructs with multiple "source" expressions:

Prelude> [(x, y) | x <- [0..10], y <- [10..20], y - x < 5]

In Python you would have to have what looks like a nested list comprehension, however Haskell still just sticks to the mathematical approach/notation.

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Erik Kaplun Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09

Erik Kaplun