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Identity Pool creation error on AWS console

I am trying to create a new identity pool on Amazon Congnito console but its shows an error message when I submit a name

There was a problem creating your identity pool. Please try again.

I have confirmed that the pool name I am providing is unique and does not already exist.

Is there any pre-work I do need to perform before creating a pool?

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Vishal Avatar asked Jan 29 '16 21:01


3 Answers

This problem is resolved. The account I was using to create Identity Pool did not have admin privileges. I was able to successfully create an identity pool after using admin credentials. I know its kind of a silly outcome but AWS console was showing a generic message and I was expecting it to show me authorization issues if there was any problem with my account.

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Vishal Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 01:11


I was seeing the error because of a whitespace in the beginning of AppID in the field.

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Yahia Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 01:11


I was able to work around this by removing the custom attributes I had specified. I was then able to add the custom attributes after the user pool was created.

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Jonathan Amend Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 00:11

Jonathan Amend