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Ideal size of shared module(s) in Angular

I have an Angular project with several feature modules but I'm not sure what's the best practice for structuring shared modules.

  1. Is it considered best to have one large SharedModule imported in each feature module even if it contains components, pipes, directives, etc. that are used only in a few but not all feature modules?
  2. Or is it better to split them up into smaller modules (logical units) and import them one by one to feature modules only where they're needed?

I think that (1) sounds a lot easier to write but I'm somewhat concerned that importing partly unused code into each feature module may slow down my application and make lazy-loading somewhat pointless. If somebody can shed light on the advantages and disadvantages of both strategies, that would be very welcome. Thanks!

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Onsa Avatar asked Jan 08 '18 11:01


People also ask

What is shared modules in Angular?

Sharing moduleslink Creating shared modules allows you to organize and streamline your code. You can put commonly used directives, pipes, and components into one module and then import just that module wherever you need it in other parts of your application.

What would you have in a shared module?

What would you have in a shared module? I would put directives, pipes, components and other modules that are used throughout my application and export them from this shared module. This way, I would not have to declare/import same components/modules everywhere.

Can we have more than one module in Angular?

Yes, you can define multiple modules in angularJS as given below. The modularization in AngularJS helps us to keep the code clarity and easy to understand, as we can combine multiple modules to generate the application.

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1 Answers

It depends on your app needs of course. I'd personally create several shared Modules depending on your other modules needs.

Imagine the following example :

  • I have 2 features modules that need a specific custom table.
  • I have 3 features modules that use flex-layout and only one of the 2 features modules that use a custom table use flex-layout.

This is a typical example where you will have one big shared module that imports and exports everything, but in that case the 3 features modules will import the table classes while they don't use it.

In this case I find it useful to split the shared module into several that correspond to my needs. Usually, that means I'll create a StyleSharedModule, a TableSharedModule, etc...

Anyhow, the size is not an important factor. You could have a really light shared module with a lot of sub-modules, and you could also have a really heavy shared module which only import a few things (but big things).

To me, the logical needs is the important things that makes you create different shared modules, not the size.

like image 190
Alex Beugnet Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 08:09

Alex Beugnet