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IDE for PHP and Python Windows





I used to use netbeans for a while and really liked it.

But now, I wan't to expand my toolbox with Python, and Netbeans dropped support for Django, also Python support seems to suck in NB 7.0.

So I am looking for recommendations on IDE or Text Editor for Windows with support:

  • Python (possibly with Django)
  • PHP
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • FTP
  • GIT & SVN

I know Aptana 3 can do this, is there anything else?

I don't know Vim a lot, but would that be an option?

like image 459
Luigi Avatar asked Aug 13 '11 12:08


People also ask

What IDE do you use for PHP?

NetBeans is a very popular PHP IDE among developers. Other popular IDEs include Komodo IDE, Zend Studio, Cloud 9 IDE, and PHPStorm. These four are commercial PHP IDEs. For PHP editors, Komodo Edit offers really good features and also supports multiple languages.

Is PyCharm better than VSCode?

PyCharm and VSCode provide similar code management features, but PyCharm stands out with the ability to “Search Everywhere.” UI elements, classes, and files are all fair game for Search Everywhere, even if what you're looking for isn't in the current project.

2 Answers

http://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/ would be my first choice. JetBrains does a great job with making the editor valuable to you for more than just text entry. The different IDEs JetBrains offers are all basically the same even if they are configured for a slightly different language set.

Eclipse is an option, it has plugins for everything. I've never been much of a fan of Eclipse though. It's really plugable but not a great IDE compared to some of the other options.

like image 93
Travis Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 14:10



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Gerry Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 14:10
