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OOP PHP user class (usercake) not adding to database

I recently found this little user class script called usercake (http://usercake.com/), has all the basic functionality and seems to work very well.

My problem: The first user gets added to the database fine, but after that it is not working. Clearly there's just something slightly wrong that I'm not figuring out ( i do not know oop php very well). No errors occure (that i can see), and the email gets sent out.

I've installed it multiple places with the same fate. I'd like to fix it because using this script saves a lot of reinventing the wheel time.

Here is the URL where I have it: http://rawcomposition.com/birding/loggedin/register.php Here is the function that gets called once everything is validated:

    public function userCakeAddUser()
    global $db,$emailActivation,$websiteUrl,$db_table_prefix;

    //Prevent this function being called if there were construction errors
        //Construct a secure hash for the plain text password
        $secure_pass = generateHash($this->clean_password);

        //Construct a unique activation token
        $this->activation_token = generateActivationToken();

        //Do we need to send out an activation email?
            //User must activate their account first
            $this->user_active = 0;

            $mail = new userCakeMail();

            //Build the activation message
            $activation_message = lang("ACTIVATION_MESSAGE",array($websiteUrl,$this->activation_token));

            //Define more if you want to build larger structures
            $hooks = array(
                "searchStrs" => array("#ACTIVATION-MESSAGE","#ACTIVATION-KEY","#USERNAME#"),
                "subjectStrs" => array($activation_message,$this->activation_token,$this->unclean_username)

            /* Build the template - Optional, you can just use the sendMail function 
            Instead to pass a message. */
                $this->mail_failure = true;
                //Send the mail. Specify users email here and subject. 
                //SendMail can have a third parementer for message if you do not wish to build a template.

                if(!$mail->sendMail($this->clean_email,"New User"))
                    $this->mail_failure = true;
            //Instant account activation
            $this->user_active = 1;

                //Insert the user into the database providing no errors have been found.
                $sql = "INSERT INTO `".$db_table_prefix."Users` (
                        VALUES (

            return $db->sql_query($sql);

And here is the table structure:

  `Username` varchar(150) NOT NULL,
  `Name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `Username_Clean` varchar(150) NOT NULL,
  `Password` varchar(225) NOT NULL,
  `Email` varchar(150) NOT NULL,
  `ActivationToken` varchar(225) NOT NULL,
  `LastActivationRequest` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `LostPasswordRequest` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `Active` int(1) NOT NULL,
  `Group_ID` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `SignUpDate` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `LastSignIn` int(11) NOT NULL,
like image 376
Adam Avatar asked Jun 14 '11 17:06


1 Answers

To me, there are 2 possibilities why it is not adding further users after the first one is added:

First, $this->mail_failure flag is set to TRUE for the following user accounts after the first user is created. But this scenario is not likely because it is the same code that has run successfully for the first user and therefore there is no reason why the flag should be TRUE for others.

Second possibility is that $this->status is FALSE for the second user account. If false, the method userCakeAddUser() does not do anything. The reasons why this flag could be false is either the username or the email address already exists.

Are you using the same username or email address you used for the first account for the second account as well? I'm sure you must not be using the same username but perhaps the same email address. The usercake classes does not allow the same username or same email addresses.

Hope this helps.

like image 136
Abhay Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 20:09
