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iBooks-like page flip in JavaScript and CSS?

Okay, I've googled all the way, hopefully someone here knows a place to point me to.

I'm searching for a page flip animation for JavaScript that comes close to what Apple did with iBooks, for only one page flipping over to reveal only the next page.

(EDIT: Maybe my description wasn't clear enough: I'm looking for a page flip effect that transitions one whole usual HTML website, for example imagine this stackoverflow page, to another one, for example the "Add Question" screen by applying a page flip effect, for example when "Ask Question" was clicked. I know this might be a hard-to-realize thing to do, as it involves having the data ready, showing one page, making the transition-effect and then showing the second page while the first page can be released from memory. Nevertheless, with all the HTML5, JS and CSS craze I hoped that someone had made such a transition-effect, and I hope that if there is one out there, someone here knows where to find it. Sadly I suck too much at JS and CSS to get it done myself.)

Here's a nice CSS-only example (always shows two pages width):


And here's another example (that sadly needs to display two pages after it was flipped):


I would need that effect to only flip around one page and also just to show the second HTML page after it is flipped. Do you know a library or a ready to use script that does this? I definitely don't want Flash or Silverlight to be a part of the solution.

like image 649
Akku Avatar asked Jul 07 '11 12:07


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turn. js - Libraries - cdnjs - The #1 free and open source CDN built to make life easier for developers.

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2 Answers

Turn.js seems to be a good starting point. The code is up on GitHub.

like image 87
Pascal Lindelauf Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 11:09

Pascal Lindelauf

This is the nearest i could find with single-page flip like iBooks but still very weird compared to iBooks.



By the way, i'm trying to achieve something just like you, almost like an 'iBooks clone'.

Here is some CSS3 animation, I'm studying it to try make something like (but without 2nd page).


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RaphaelDDL Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 11:09
