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I want to concat two strings for a TextView in android, Data Binding Api

People also ask

How do I add a newline to a TextView in Android?

for the new line in TextView just add \n in middle of your text it works..

What is two way binding in Kotlin?

Two-way Data Binding is a technique of binding your objects to your XML layouts so that the layout can send data to your binding object.

What is data binding in Android Studio?

The Data Binding Library is a support library that allows you to bind UI components in your layouts to data sources in your app using a declarative format rather than programmatically. Layouts are often defined in activities with code that calls UI framework methods.

concate it with grave accent (`)

android:text="@{`Hello ` + user.firstName}"/>

You can concat it in multiple ways, check it here concat-two-strings-in-textview-using-databinding

This is already answered by @GeorgeMount in comments to one of the solution. Which to me looks like the best solution so far here.


in your strings.xml

<string name="location">%1$s, %2$s</string>

Many ways to concat strings

1. Using string resource (Most preferable because of localization)

android:text= "@{@string/generic_name(user.name)}"

Just make string resource like this.

<string name="generic_name">Hello %s</string>

2. Hard coded concat

android:text="@{`Hello ` + user.name}"/>

3. Using String's concat method


Here space is an html entity which is placed inside strings.xml. Because XML does not accept Html entities or special characters directly. (Link Html Entities)

<string name="space">\u0020</string>

4. Using String.format()

android:text= "@{String.format(@string/hello, user.name)}"

you have to import String class in layout in this type.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
        <import type="String" />
        android:text= "@{String.format(@string/hello, user.name)}"
        ... >

5. Another method


In this case put a string resource in strings.xml

<string name="generic_name">%1$s, %2$s</string>

There can be many other ways, choose one you need.

Since xml supports single quotes for values of attribute, you can also do this :

android:text='@{"Hello "+user.firstName}'

There are two ways.

First Solution

concat with grave accent (`)

android:text="@{`Hello ` + user.firstName}"/>

Second Solution

Declare Your string in strings.xml

like "Hello %1$s , (whatever you want to add then add here)".

amd use String.format(stringResource, upsatename);

In case of static string and other dynamic you can use this

android:text="@{`Hello ` + user.firstName}"/>

In case of dynamic data you can use this.

android:text='@{user.firstName+" "+user.lastName}'