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I cannot get the output parameter when use function import by Entity Framework

Here's my SQL Server stored procedure :

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[SearchUser]
  (@Text NVARCHAR(100),  
   @TotalRows INT = 0 OUTPUT)   
   SELECT @TotalRows=1000
   SELECT * from Users

And my C# code

using (var context = new TestDBEntities())
    var outputParameter = new ObjectParameter("TotalRows", typeof(Int32));
    context.SearchUser("", outputParameter);

However outputParameter.Value always is null.

Could anybody tell me why?

like image 359
Jacob Phan Avatar asked May 04 '11 09:05

Jacob Phan

1 Answers

Output parameters filled by its actual values during the execution of the stored procedure.

But table-valued stored procedure actually get executed only in moment when you're trying to iterate resulting recordset, but not calling a wrapper method.

So, this DOES'T work:

using (var context = new TestDBEntities()) 
    var outputParameter = new ObjectParameter("TotalRows", typeof(Int32)); 
    context.SearchUser("", outputParameter); 

    // Paremeter value is null, because the stored procedure haven't been executed


This DOES:

using (var context = new TestDBEntities()) 
    var outputParameter = new ObjectParameter("TotalRows", typeof(Int32)); 

    // Procedure does not executes here, we just receive a reference to the output parameter
    var results = context.SearchUser("", outputParameter);

    // Forcing procedure execution

    // Parameter has it's actual value


When you're working with stored procedures what don't return any recordset, they execute immediately after a method call, so you have actual value in output parameter.

like image 177
Sergey Kostrukov Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 19:10

Sergey Kostrukov