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HttpInterceptor->Service->HttpClient Cyclic Dependency



So I have my authentication service, AuthService, that basically has two methods, one that gets a new token from the server, given a username and a password, and one that retrieves the current stored token and refreshes the tokens during the process when necessary. Both obviously rely on HttpClient. That is, AuthService has a dependency on HttpClient. Let's keep that in mind.

Another "service" is an HttpInterceptor that I want to intercept all outgoing requests other than those made by AuthService to add the Authorization header (it's getting dirty now). And to make up that header, we need a token, which we get from AuthService. That is, AuthInterceptor (the name of my interceptor) has a dependency on AuthService. And as far as I know, HttpClient has a dependency on all HTTP_INTERCEPTORS.

So the scenario is as follows: Cyclic Dependency

Any ideas or suggestions on how to break that circle? Is there any way to make AuthService's HttpClient independent of AuthInterceptor? Or is it a bad idea? (Another third function will be added to AuthService for logging the user out, whose requests shall be intercepted and have the Authorization header added to them as well)

So far I found a similar issue but the workaround suggested there doesn't solve my problem, now I get infinite recursion during the bootstrapping process before any requests are sent. I've handled the case of login and token refresh requests being intercepted to avoid this so this is not the issue here as far as I know. Here's a plunk with an overview of my code.

Excerpt from the plunk:

export class AuthInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {
  private auth: AuthService;

  constructor(inj: Injector) {
    this.auth = inj.get(AuthService);

  intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
    // Ignore if login or refresh request
    if (req.url.includes('login')) {
      return next.handle(req);

    console.log('Intercepting request...');
    return this.auth.getToken().map(token => {
      const authHeader = 'Bearer ' + token;
      const authReq = req.clone({setHeaders: {Authorization: authHeader}});
      return authReq;
    }).concatMap(newReq => next.handle(newReq));
like image 751
Abdelhakeem Osama Avatar asked Jul 20 '17 11:07

Abdelhakeem Osama

People also ask

What is HttpInterceptor?

HTTP Interceptors is a special type of angular service that we can implement. It's used to apply custom logic to the central point between the client-side and server-side outgoing/incoming HTTP request and response. Keep in mind that the interceptor wants only HTTP requests.

How do I use HttpInterceptor?

To use the same instance of HttpInterceptors for the entire app, just import the HttpClientModule into your AppModule, and add the interceptor to the root application injector. Suppose you import HttpClientModule multiple times in different modules (for example, in a lazy-loading module).

What is circular dependency in angular?

A cyclic dependency exists when a dependency of a service directly or indirectly depends on the service itself. For example, if UserService depends on EmployeeService , which also depends on UserService . Angular will have to instantiate EmployeeService to create UserService , which depends on UserService , itself.

2 Answers

I was running into the same or a similar issue using Angular 6.1.10. I simply instantiated HttpClient myself inside the service that need to be injected into an HttpInterceptor:

export class AuthService {

  private http: HttpClient;

  constructor(httpBackend: HttpBackend) {
    this.http = new HttpClient(httpBackend);    

That broke the infinite loop issue in my case.

like image 162
Robert Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 18:10


Try setting this.auth with a timeout:

constructor(private injector: Injector) {
  setTimeout(() => {
    this.auth = this.injector.get(AuthService);

The bug report you have linked to has since been updated, with an alternative workaround (retrieving AuthService in the intercept function / and not setting it in the constructor): https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/18224#issuecomment-316957213

like image 21
Alex Wauters Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 19:10

Alex Wauters