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HttpClient request header customisation

Is it possible to set the request ACCEPT header of the HttpClient in .Net/Web Api to include "application/json;odata=verbose"?

I know how to set the request media type

HttpClient client = new HttpClient(handler);            
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

But how do I set the odata=verbose part? I cannot seem to find any solutions online to do that.

Do I have to use HttpWebRequest instead? Basically I need to call sharepoint 2013 rest api, and that odata=verbose part is required.

like image 876
Joshscorp Avatar asked Mar 06 '13 00:03


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1 Answers

MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue has a property called Parameters to which you can add 'odata=verbose' parameter.

Other easy way is to call MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue's Parse/TryParse methods to which you can supply the whole "application/json;odata=verbose" media type string.

Here is an example using Parse

using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient())
    //Setup Accept Header
    MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue acceptHeader = MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue.Parse("application/json;odata=verbose");

    //... do other stuff
like image 103
Kiran Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 18:11
