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HTTP Session Tracking

Since HTTP is a stateless protocol, when a client makes a number of requests to the server, how does the server uniquely identify a particular client's requests over a period of time say t1, t2, t3..

I browsed the web and came across terms like session id, URL rewriting and cookies. But it would be great if someone explains it in a better way. Specifically which part of the HTTP request and response would be used for session tracking?

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dexter Avatar asked Nov 16 '09 08:11


People also ask

What is HTTP session tracking?

HTTP is a “stateless” protocol, which means that each time a client requests a Web page, the client establishes a new connection with the Web server, and the server does not retain track of prior requests. The conversion of a user over a period of time is referred to as a session.

What are the methods of session tracking?

There are four techniques used in Session tracking: Cookies. Hidden Form Field. URL Rewriting.

How do you enable the session tracking?

You can configure session tracking to use cookies or URL rewriting. No special programming is required to track sessions with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) information. To use SSL information, turn on Enable SSL ID tracking in the session management property page.

2 Answers

As you mentioned, common ways to implement HTTP session tracking include URL rewriting and cookies. Session tracking basically requires that a session ID is maintained across multiple requests to the server. This means that each time a given client makes a request to the server, it passes the same session ID. The server can use this ID to lookup the session information it maintains.

When using cookies, the server asks the client to store a cookie by setting the Set-Cookie HTTP response header. This cookie contains the unique session ID assigned to that client - in this example the string 'ABAD1D':

    Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=ABAD1D;path=/ 

The cookie is then sent back to the server by the client using the Cookie HTTP request header on each request and thus the server is informed on each request the session ID currently assigned to the client.


When using URL rewriting, this same session ID is instead sent somewhere in the URL. Again, the server extracts the session ID from the URL so that it can lookup the session for a particular client:


However, the server must also make sure that any URLs in the web pages sent back to the client are also rewritten to contain that particular clients session ID. As the session ID is encoded in the URLs, this method of session tracking is transparent to the browser. Often a server will resort to URL rewriting if it finds it is unable to set a session cookie on the client - implying that the client does not support/allow cookies.

Note that sessions can expire. This means that if the server does not 'see' a given session ID for a period of time, it may remove the session data to preserve resources.

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teabot Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 07:09


Specifically which part of the HTTP request and response would be used for session tracking?

In the HTTP response, the server can set a cookie. It does so with the Set-Cookie header. For example:

Set-Cookie: session=12345; path=/ 

The client then returns the value of all cookies that match the properties that were set along with the cookie, which can include path (as above) and domain, and that haven't expired yet.

The cookie is sent back to the server as part of the HTTP headers. For example:

Cookie: session=12345 

None of the original property information is sent back with the cookie.

A unique cookie allows the server to associate a unique key with a particular browser instance. The server can then use that key as an index into a hash table or a database table that holds unique per-user state information.

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RickNZ Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 07:09
