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http-server -p 8080 does not serve my angular application. Whereas ng serve does

This is what I see when I open my localhost

I want to make a PWA with Angular so I followed the instructions on the angular.io website to the smallest detail yet it doesn't open the usual "Welcome to your app" page. What might be the problem?

I am have the following installed:

Angular CLI: 6.0.1
Node: 8.9.4
OS: linux x64
Angular: 6.0.1

This is what the console displays when i click on pwaApp and the browser directs me to blank page

What my be the problem? And how can I fix it? Thanks in advance

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Captain A Avatar asked May 13 '18 16:05

Captain A

3 Answers

I am also facing this problem in Angular6 but it can be solved by following steps

  1. Make a dist using ng build --prod
  2. Then
cd dist
cd project_name
npx http-server
  1. click any IP given after server starts, e.g.
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nitasha Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 01:10


I found the solution. I had to build the app then cd into the dist and then cd (again) into the built app before http-server -p 8080. The tutorial i followed had just mentioned to cd into the dist and serve, so it wasn't very clear.

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Captain A Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 23:10

Captain A

Seems you dist folder is empty. Please double check and make sure your build succeed.lite-server Thats what I use often to run my angular app. Take a look at this link https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/wiki/stories-disk-serve. The is that even if you use http-server when you reload the page it will show up a 404 error. Page not found. Best solution is using lite-server.

npm i lite-server -g

Then cd inside the root path of your application and run

lite-server --baseDir="dist"

Your app will run over port 3000 by default. If you want to run it on a different port so take a look at this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/35517817/6261137

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Ulrich Dohou Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 00:10

Ulrich Dohou