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Http Request in TypeScript

I was trying to convert the following snippet in nodejs to typescript: How do I make Http Request in Nodejs

Here is my TypeScript code:

import * as http from 'http';  export class HttpRequest{ url: string; private path: string; private host: string; private args: Array<Array<string>>;  constructor(url: string, args?: string){     this.url = url;     this.processUrl(this.url);     if(!!args){         this.processArgs(args);     }     this.args = []; } private processUrl(url: string): void {     let tld: number = url.lastIndexOf('.')     let sep: number = url.indexOf('/', tld);     this.host = url.slice(0, sep);     this.path = url.slice(sep+1); } private processArgs(args: string): void {     let sep: number = args.indexOf('&');     if(sep < 0){         return ;     }     let argpair: string = args.slice(0, sep);     let apsep: number = argpair.indexOf('=');     let k: string = argpair.slice(0, apsep);     let v: string = argpair.slice(apsep+1);     this.args.push([k,v]);     this.processArgs(args.slice(sep+1)); } private preparePath(): string {     let path: string = `?`;     this.args.forEach((arg: Array<string>, i: number): void => {         let k: string = arg[0];         let v: string = arg[1];         path += k + '=' + v;         if(i == this.args.length-1){             return ;         }         path += '&';     });     return path; } public addArg(key: string, value: string): void {     try{         this.args.push([key,value]);     } catch(err) {         console.log(err);     } } public addArgs(args: Array<Array<string>>): void {     args.forEach((arg: Array<string>): void => {         this.args.push(arg);     }); } public get(cb: (res: any) => any): void {     let opts = {         'host': this.host,         'path': `/${this.path}/${this.preparePath()}`     };     http.request(opts, (r: http.IncomingMessage): void => {         let data = '';         r.on('data', (chunk: string): void => {             console.log('Got chunk: ' + chunk);             data += chunk;         });         r.on('end', (): void =>{             console.log('Response has ended');             console.log(data);             cb(data);         });         r.on('error', (err): void => {             console.log('Following error occured during request:\n');             console.log(err);         })     }).end(); } public test(): void {     console.log(this.preparePath());     console.log(`/${this.path}/${this.preparePath()}`); } } 

Here is my test code:

// Test httpRequest  import { HttpRequest } from './httpRequest';  const request = new HttpRequest('www.random.org/integers'); request.addArg('num', '1'); request.addArg('min', '1'); request.addArg('max', '50'); request.addArg('col', '1'); request.addArg('base', '10'); request.addArg('format', 'plain'); request.addArg('rnd', 'new'); request.test(); request.get((res: string): void => {     console.log('Response received: ' + res); }); 

If this works correctly (I checked the link on Firefox and, it returns a plain text random number) I should get a number as a plain text. However, when I console.log() response, I get nothing. What am I doing wrong here?

like image 398
Abrar Hossain Avatar asked Aug 18 '17 04:08

Abrar Hossain

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1 Answers

I would suggest using https://github.com/node-fetch/node-fetch

import fetch from 'node-fetch';  const response = await fetch('https://api.github.com/users/github'); const data = await response.json();  console.log(data); 

For POST request:

import fetch from 'node-fetch';  const response = await fetch('https://bin.org/post', {method: 'POST', body: 'a=1'}); const data = await response.json();  console.log(data); 
like image 64
Adrian Ciura Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 17:09

Adrian Ciura