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HTML5 offline "Application Cache Error event: Manifest fetch failed (-1)"

I'm trying to write an HTML5 offline application but can't seem to get Chrome to accept the cache manifest file.

Chrome logs the following output to its console while loading the application:

Creating Application Cache with manifest http://localhost/cache.manifest
Application Cache Checking event
Application Cache Error event: Manifest fetch failed (-1) http://localhost/cache.manifest

However, if I remove all lines from the manifest file except for the first line (i.e. "CACHE MANIFEST") Chrome accepts the manifest:

Creating Application Cache with manifest http://localhost/cache.manifest
Application Cache Checking event
Application Cache Downloading event
Application Cache Progress event (0 of 0)
Application Cache Cached event

But, as soon as I add a new line to the manifest (even if that next line is empty) Chrome reverts to complaining that the fetch failed.

All files are being served locally from a Windows 7 PC via Python using SimpleHTTPServer on port 80. I've updated the types_map in %PYTHON%/Lib/mimetypes.py with the following line:

    '.manifest': 'text/cache-manifest',

The manifest should contain the following:

like image 963
Craig McDonnell Avatar asked Apr 20 '11 08:04

Craig McDonnell

3 Answers

To cache a website offline (HTML5) you need to specify all the files needed for it to run. In short specify the site main components needed.

Easy way to create a manifest is in Note Pad.

Note: CACHE MANIFEST needs to be first line and your files will follow after a line space as follows:



Note2: remove all spaces after each line. Note:3 you need to follow the exact format FOLDER/File or FOLDER/FOLDER/FILE ect....

Just because you have a manifest file doesnt mean it will load. you need to add the following to the Tag:

<html manifest="~/cache.manifest" type="text/cache-manifest">

Don't forget that after you add this it's cached the first time the page loads. So you need to register a cache event in the 'mobileinit' event.

$(document).on("mobileinit", function () {
  //register event to cache site for offline use
cache = window.applicationCache;
cache.addEventListener('updateready', cacheUpdatereadyListener, false);
cache.addEventListener('error', cacheErrorListener, false);
function cacheUpdatereadyListener (){
    function cacheErrorListener() {
        alert('site not availble offline')

Download Safari and use the web inspector to find errors. http://developer.apple.com/library/safari/#documentation/appleapplications/Conceptual/Safari_Developer_Guide/1Introduction/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007874-CH1-SW1

Tip: Chrome's developer tools "F12" will show you the errors in the manifest load. ie the files you still need to add.

Hope this helps, covers the entire process. I assuming if you are at this stage in development you new to add these to the mobile init:

$.mobile.allowCrossDomainPages = true; // cross domain page loading
$.mobile.phonegapNavigationEnabled = true; //Android enabled mobile
$.mobile.page.prototype.options.domCache = true; //page caching prefech rendering
$.support.touchOverflow = true; //Android enhanced scrolling
$.mobile.touchOverflowEnabled = true; // enhanced scrolling transition availible in iOS 5

Safari Developer Guide: https://developer.apple.com/library/safari/#documentation/AppleApplications/Reference/SafariWebContent/Client-SideStorage/Client-SideStorage.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40002051-CH4-SW4

like image 197
Paul Styles Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 10:10

Paul Styles

Have you tried anything like https://manifest-validator.appspot.com/ to validate your manifest?

I've struggled with my manifest file for quite a while, it is really hard to pinpoint what is wrong. Could be something as simple as wrong encoding to an extra line break at the start.

like image 35
gnur Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 09:10


Today I experienced exactly the same problem. After hours of working I came the the key point: the format of manifest file. In short, the file must begin a new line ONLY with ascii(0A), not ascii(0D), or ascii(0D + 0A). Only in this way can I live with Chrome, or I will get a blank page, and the error info in the console window.

According to w3c, (http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/offline.html), in “ Writing cache manifests”,both 0A, 0D and 0D + 0A are all acceptable. So, my opinion is: Chrome is not compatible with w3c in the point.

Further more, say, if myapp.js is to be cached, it MUST follow the same rule: begins a new line only with ascii(0A), or Chrome will throw the same info in the console windows.

My Chrome is 13.0.782.107

like image 5
bobdong Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 10:10
