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HTML5 novalidate only for some inputs

I've got really simple question - is there any way to disable HTML5 validation only for some chosen inputs (instead of setting "novalidate" for whole form)?

I mean something like <input type='number' requirednovalidate>. But this doesn't work.

You may ask why I need type="number" or "required" then? Well, I need it there because my framework uses it for its own validation.


It is about one special input - birth number. I need it to be of type number (because of mobile devices) but its value is mostly used with "/" (e.g. 860518/8757) which is not valid character for type number. So I need user to fill it without slash (8605188757). The problem is when there is invalid value filled in html5 input (e.g. "fsda" in number type), it seems like it is empty, with no value.

So when user fill the value in wrong format (860518/8757), html validation is disabled so the JS validation runs, it is validated like empty field. So the error message is like "Please fill the field birth number" (which is really confusing) instead somthing like "Sorry, wrong format".

My solution was to enable html5 validation for this field (so the default browser message is displayed when there is wrong format filled) but disable it for other fields so that they would be validated only with my JS validation.

like image 600
flipis Avatar asked Jun 24 '15 13:06


People also ask

How do I bypass HTML5 validations?

To ignore HTML validation, you can remove the attribute on button click using JavaScript. Uer removeAttribute() to remove an attribute from each of the matched elements.

What is the purpose of Novalidate on the form tag and on the individual inputs?

The novalidate attribute in HTML is used to signify that the form won't get validated on submit. It is a Boolean attribute and useful if you want the user to save the progress of form filing. If the form validation is disabled, the user can easily save the form and continue & submit the form later.

What does Novalidate mean in HTML?

The novalidate attribute is a boolean attribute. When present, it specifies that the form-data (input) should not be validated when submitted.

Does HTML5 have form validation?

HTML5 also makes it easier to control styling with CSS. In addition, it also provides built-in validation features through the use of special attributes and new input types.

1 Answers

You cannot disable HTML5 validation for a chosen input(s).

If you want to remove validation on the entire form you can use formnovalidate in your input element.

For example,

<input type="submit" value="Save" class="button primary large" formnovalidate/>

Note you can use formnovalidate with <input type=submit>, <inut type=image> or <button> -source

For more info go here or here.

like image 130
BinaryJoe01 Avatar answered Dec 01 '22 02:12
