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HTML5 large canvas - moving and zooming whole content including background

My final is goal to implement a app like http://www.crystal.ch/abb/power_systems_landscape/ using html5.

As you see, we may need a large(2000*600) canvas, but im not sure.

Can anyone give me idea just for following behavior of above link ?

  1. whole canvas content including background can move left-right smoothly using mousemove and mousedown operation
  2. whole canvas content including background move left-right smoothly according to power system selection
  3. Zoom in zoom out
  4. Fade out effect like plus iconic circles

Any kind of idea would be appreciated.

like image 835
Shahdat Avatar asked Feb 25 '12 12:02


1 Answers

basically you want something like this

<div id='wrapper' style='position: overflow: hidden; relative; width: 500px; height: 300px;>
    <canvas id='canvas' width='2000' height='600'></canvas>

then when you want to scroll you would do something like

document.getElementById('wrapper').scrollTo(x, y);

and zooming would be

document.getElementById('canvas').style.width = 2000 * zoom;
document.getElementById('canvas').style.height = 600 * zoom;

You can play around with setInterval and what not to get the scrolling and zooming nice and smooth, but that's definitely be the fastest way to get those effect on a large canvas since there's no redrawing involved.

like image 187
hobberwickey Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 14:10
