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HTML tag <a> want to add both href and onclick working

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Can you have onclick and href?

How to make this a tag working with href and onClick? The default behavior of the <a> tag's onclick and href properties are to execute the onclick , then follow the href as long as the onclick doesn't return false , canceling the event (or the event hasn't been prevented).

Does Onclick work with links?

This is a type of JavaScript link - the onclick attribute defines a JavaScript action when the 'onclick' event for the link is triggered (i.e. when a user clicks the link) - and there is a URL present itself in the onclick attribute.

Does Onclick work on a tag?

Attribute Value: This attribute contains a single value script that works when the mouse clicked on the element. Supported Tags: This attribute is supported by all HTML tags except <base>, <bdo>, <br>, <head>, <html>, <iframe>, <meta>, <param>, <script>, <style>, and <title>.

Can you have two onclick events in HTML?

So the answer is - yes you can :) However, I'd recommend to use unobtrusive JavaScript.. mixing js with HTML is just nasty.

You already have what you need, with a minor syntax change:

<a href="www.mysite.com" onclick="return theFunction();">Item</a>

<script type="text/javascript">
    function theFunction () {
        // return true or false, depending on whether you want to allow the `href` property to follow through or not

The default behavior of the <a> tag's onclick and href properties is to execute the onclick, then follow the href as long as the onclick doesn't return false, canceling the event (or the event hasn't been prevented)

Use jQuery. You need to capture the click event and then go on to the website.

$("#myHref").on('click', function() {
  alert("inside onclick");
  window.location = "http://www.google.com";
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<a href="#" id="myHref">Click me</a>

To achieve this use following html:

<a href="www.mysite.com" onclick="make(event)">Item</a>

    function make(e) {
        // ...  your function code
        // e.preventDefault();   // use this to NOT go to href site

Here is working example.

No jQuery needed.

Some people say using onclick is bad practice...

This example uses pure browser javascript. By default, it appears that the click handler will evaluate before the navigation, so you can cancel the navigation and do your own if you wish.

<a id="myButton" href="http://google.com">Click me!</a>
    window.addEventListener("load", () => {
        document.querySelector("#myButton").addEventListener("click", e => {
            // Can also cancel the event and manually navigate
            // e.preventDefault();
            // window.location = e.target.href;