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HTML fixed header table scrollbar [duplicate]


Possible Duplicate:
HTML table with fixed headers?

I've tried several methods to get a scroll bar from an HTML table with a fixed header but had no luck. I think I need a solution where the header is somehow "attached" to the table body (rather than the typical nested table solution). Every solution I tried messes up the width of the header columns and the body columns. In other words they get out of synch and the columns of the header don't line up properly with those of the scrolling table. The widths of the headers and the columns vary from column to column.

Is there any way for me to achieve this? I'd rather not use JavaScript. Oh and I need this to work in Internet Explorer as well.

Update: It is pretty important for me to get this functionality. I need the fixed header for both column and row headers. So far no solution has worked properly. I considered making the headers separate tables, but this wouldn't work when scrolling since the headers would stay fixed.

It seems like there would be many use cases for fixed HTML headers so it is surprising to me that there is no adequate solution.

(Oh, and I tried the option suggested by opatut in the link, but it doesn't work in all browsers and I need this work in Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome. If it doesn't work in Internet Explorer 6 that's OK).

Oh, and if I must fix the column widths or row heights, that's OK too, I would just be glad to have a working fixed header HTML table (cross-browser).

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aeq Avatar asked Jul 26 '10 20:07


1 Answers

I have a solution which is a pure CSS solution and allows the table to be normal and variable width. This is a new solution and has some issues depending on the design of your headers. The good news is that if your headers are left-aligned, or your columns are fixed width, it should be fine. There are some visual bugs in IE6, and I've found that some cells need a min-width to keep the headers showing if the content in the column is less wide then the header. All the issues are visual, so if it looks good you're done. The table body is totally normal, and since there's no JavaScript you don't have to do anything if the user re-sizes the page.

Check out my solution and leave me a comment http://salzerdesign.com/blog/?p=191

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Miriam Salzer Avatar answered Mar 11 '23 06:03

Miriam Salzer