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Apache portable runtime tutorials? [closed]


My platform is gcc 4.4.3, C89, on Ubuntu 10.4.

I am looking for some tutorials or ebooks for installing and using the Apache portable runtime.

So far, I have only found the links below. I was looking for something with more information. A book text book that explains everything from installing apr, to linking and compiling with your application.



Many thanks for any advice,

like image 836
ant2009 Avatar asked Aug 26 '10 07:08


People also ask

What is Apache Portable Runtime used for?

The Apache Portable Runtime (APR) is a supporting library for the Apache web server. It provides a set of APIs that map to the underlying operating system (OS). Where the OS does not support a particular function, APR will provide an emulation.

What is APR devel?

APR is Apache's Portable Runtime Library, designed to be a support library that provides a predictable and consistent interface to underlying platform-specific implementations. This subpackage contains header files for developing applications that want to make use of APR.

1 Answers

There are truly not so many ressources out there. Here a few hopefully helpfull ones:

  • A short installation tutorial (guess you already know this).
  • Writing portable C Code using APR (short slide show)
  • Chapter 3 of the book "The Apache Modules Book: Application Development with Apache" refers to APR, first part of it containing chapter 3 can be downloaded here.
  • A page with some links to
    further ressources related to APR
like image 110
Thariama Avatar answered Dec 14 '22 11:12
