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HTML file browse not working in iPad




The HTML file browse element isn’t working in iPad.


<input type="file" />

The choose file button always remains disabled.

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Sanjay Shah Avatar asked Jun 24 '11 05:06

Sanjay Shah

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How do I view HTML files on iPad?

Go to "Applications" > your app (iFile, GoodReade or whatever yours) > Documents. And you are there. Open your HTML files. Now you can go anywhere to and fro without problem.

Does HTML work on iPad?

If there's a particular feature you're looking for from an iPad HTML editor, there's a good chance Textastic will have it. With syntax highlighting for 80+ languages, code completion for HTML, CSS, PHP, and Javascript, and an extra row of keys with relevant characters, entering code is fast and accurate.

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Just double-click on the HTML file, it is likely that Safari will be the default application, so the file will open in Safari. Right-click on the file in Finder, choose Open With… and select Safari. Run Safari, go to File — Open File… and select the HTML file.

1 Answers

You can’t upload files from an iPad in that way; iPad apps can’t browse the filesystem.

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taxilian Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 17:09
