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Html attributes for EditorFor() in ASP.NET MVC

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What is HTML EditorFor in MVC?

ASP.NET MVC includes the method that generates HTML input elements based on the datatype. The Html. Editor() or Html. EditorFor() extension methods generate HTML elements based on the data type of the model object's property.

How does HTML EditorFor work?

Simply put, the Html. EditorFor method allows the developer to retain control over the display of form elements by data type (ie. string, boolean, int…etc) or model attribute at a global level rather than at an individual view level. This allows for cleaner ASP markup and easily scalable form controls.

How do I add an EditorFor style?

EditorFor does not allow for styling as there are no parameters for additional attributes. The reason for this is because the EditorFor doesn't always generate a single element as it can be overridden. To style a specific type of element you need to use the specific editor you want to use.

How do I use TextBoxFor in HTML?

The HtmlHelper class includes two extension methods TextBox() and TextBoxFor<TModel, TProperty>() that renders the HTML textbox control <input type="text"> in the razor view. It is recommended to use the generic TextBoxFor<TModel, TProperty>() method, which is less error prons and performs fast.

Update MVC 5.1 now supports the below approach directly, so it works for built in editor too. http://www.asp.net/mvc/overview/releases/mvc51-release-notes#new-features (It's either a case of Great mind thinking alike or they read my answer :)

End Update

If your using your own editor template or with MVC 5.1 which now supports the below approach directly for built in editors.

@Html.EditorFor(modelItem => item.YourProperty, 
  new { htmlAttributes = new { @class="verificationStatusSelect", style = "Width:50px"  } })

then in your template (not required for simple types in MVC 5.1)

@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m, ViewData["htmlAttributes"])

EditorFor works with metadata, so if you want to add html attributes you could always do it. Another option is to simply write a custom template and use TextBoxFor:

<%= Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Control.PeriodType, 
    new { disabled = "disabled", @readonly = "readonly" }) %>    

As of MVC 5.1, you can now do the following:

@Html.EditorFor(model => model, new { htmlAttributes = new { @class = "form-control" }, })


Now ASP.Net MVC 5.1 got a built in support for it.

From Release Notes

We now allow passing in HTML attributes in EditorFor as an anonymous object.

For example:

@Html.EditorFor(model => model, 
              new { htmlAttributes = new { @class = "form-control" }, })

Here is the VB.Net code syntax for html attributes in MVC 5.1 EditorFor

@Html.EditorFor(Function(x) x.myStringProp, New With {.htmlAttributes = New With {.class = "myCssClass", .maxlength="30"}}))