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HTML as sandboxed iframe's `src` (IE11/Edge)

With HTML5, is there any way in IE11/Edge to populate a sandboxed iframe (<iframe sandbox></iframe>) with HTML other than using a src url? I am looking for a solution like srcdoc which works with all other modern browsers.

Using src with a data URI is not an option according to Microsoft as it "cannot be used [to] populate frame or iframe elements." Surprisingly, this does works for me in Edge but only for data URIs with less than 4096 characters.

All other options that I have found, e.g. in Alternatives to iframe srcdoc? and Html code as IFRAME source rather than a URL do not work for a sandboxed iframe.

like image 354
Daniel A. R. Werner Avatar asked Jan 06 '18 00:01

Daniel A. R. Werner

1 Answers

Assuming usage of <iframe sandbox="allow-scripts"> is desired or acceptable, a possible workaround would be using window.postMessage() with the following setup:


<!doctype html>
  <iframe onload="connectIframe()" sandbox="allow-scripts" src="iframeConnect.html" name="srcdocloader"></iframe>

var SRCDOC_HTML = '<html><body><script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.js"><\/script><script>console.log("loaded srcdoc and dependencies", jQuery);<\/script><h1>done!</h1></body></html>';
var loaded;

function connectIframe (event) {
  if (!loaded) {
    loaded = true;
    window.frames.srcdocloader.postMessage(SRCDOC_HTML, '*');
  } else {

function onloadSrcdoc () {
  // ...



<!doctype html>
window.addEventListener("message", handler);
function handler(event) {
  if (event.source === window.parent) {
    window.removeEventListener("message", handler);

Note that the iframe's onload event will be triggered two times. The second time will be after the srcdoc html and all its dependencies got loaded.

like image 85
Daniel A. R. Werner Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11

Daniel A. R. Werner