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How/why does this javascript code print 'fun'?




Heres' the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/leeny/6VugZ/

How exactly is this cryptic piece of code working?

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PhD Avatar asked Mar 08 '13 20:03


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1 Answers

        vvvvvvv [0]
(![]+[])[[]-[]]                            = "false"[0]
^^^^^^^^ "false"

                  vvvvvvv again [0]
(([]+[])+([][[]]))[[]-[]]                  = "undefined"[0]
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "undefined"

                  vvvvvvvvv this time [1]
(([]+[])+([][[]]))[!![]-[]]                = "undefined"[1]
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ again "undefined"

Thus you get "f"+"u"+"n" === "fun".

Further explanation


![] is false. +[] simply acts as a transformation into a string. Thus we gain the string "false".


One of the operands needs to be a string. This is being done by []+[]. The actual undefined is created in the right hand side: [][[]] === [][0], the first entry of an empty array is undefined.

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Zeta Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 18:10
