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How write tests for checking behaviour during graceful shutdown in node.js?

There is an example of my graceful shutdown:

function stopHandler() {
  logger.info(`Stopping server on port ${settings.port} with pid ${process.pid} started`);

  server.close(() => {
    logger.info(`Server on port ${settings.port} with pid ${process.pid} stopped`);

  setTimeout(() => {
    logger.info(`Server on port ${settings.port} with pid ${process.pid} stop forcefully`);
  }, settings.stopTimeout);

process.on("SIGTERM", stopHandler);
process.on("SIGINT", stopHandler);

How I can test this code with mocha?

like image 855
galkin Avatar asked Dec 01 '16 07:12


1 Answers

It obviously depends how extensively you want to test your code, but here's a boilerplate to start with.

Some explanation:

  • The code uses sinon to stub two functions: server.close() and process.exit(). Stubbing them means that instead of calling those functions, a "fake function" (the stub) gets called, and you can assert if it got called;
  • I commented out the SIGINT test because I found out that mocha uses that signal to abort the test runner. However, since both SIGTERM and SIGINT use the exact same handler, that should be okay;
  • Signal delivery is asynchronous, which means the tests have to be asynchronous too. I added a "once" signal handler for the to-be-tested signal, that gets called when the process is sent the signal; at that point, stopHandler should have been called, make your assertions, and at the end call the done callback to tell Mocha that the test has completed;

The code:

const sinon = require('sinon');

// Load the module to test. This assumes it exports (at least)
// `server` and `settings`, because the test needs them.
let { server, settings } = require('./your-module');

// Don't call the stopHandler when exiting the test.
after(() => {

describe('Signal handling', () => {
  [ 'SIGTERM' /*, 'SIGINT' */ ].forEach(SIGNAL => {

    describe(`${ SIGNAL }`, () => {
      let sandbox, closeStub, exitStub;

      beforeEach(() => {
        sandbox   = sinon.sandbox.create({ useFakeTimers : true });
        closeStub = sandbox.stub(server, 'close');
        exitStub  = sandbox.stub(process, 'exit');

      afterEach(() => {

      it(`should call 'server.close()' when receiving a ${ SIGNAL }`, done => {
        process.once(SIGNAL, () => {
        process.kill(process.pid, SIGNAL);

      it(`should call 'process.exit()' after ${ settings.stopTimeout } seconds when receiving a ${ SIGNAL }`, done => {
        process.once(SIGNAL, () => {
          // It shouldn't have called `process.exit()` right after the signal was sent.

          // Advance the clock to a bit after the timeout.
          sandbox.clock.tick(settings.stopTimeout + 10);

          // At this point, the timeout handler should have triggered, and
          // `process.exit()` should have been called.

          // Done.
        process.kill(process.pid, SIGNAL);



like image 177
robertklep Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 21:11
