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GraphQL object property should be a list of strings

How do I make a schema for an object property that is an array of strings in GraphQL? I want the response to look like this:

  name: "colors",
  keys: ["red", "blue"]

Here is my Schema

var keysType = new graphql.GraphQLObjectType({
  name: 'keys',
  fields: function() {
    key: { type: graphql.GraphQLString }

var ColorType = new graphql.GraphQLObjectType({
  name: 'colors',
  fields: function() {
    return {
      name: { type: graphql.GraphQLString },
      keys: { type: new graphql.GraphQLList(keysType)

When I run this query I get an error and no data, the error is just [{}]

query { colors { name, keys } }

However when I run a query to return just the name I get a successful response.

query { colors { name } }

How do I create a schema that returns an array of strings for when I query for keys?

like image 818
Mdd Avatar asked Jun 23 '16 15:06


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ID is a scalar type described in the GraphQL specification (working draft October 2016): The ID type is serialized in the same way as a String; however, it is not intended to be human‐readable. While it is often numeric, it should always serialize as a String.

1 Answers

I figured out the answer. The key is to pass the graphql.GraphQLString into graphql.GraphQLList()

The schema becomes:

var ColorType = new graphql.GraphQLObjectType({
  name: 'colors',
  fields: function() {
    return {
      name: { type: graphql.GraphQLString },
      keys: { type: new graphql.GraphQLList(graphql.GraphQLString)

Using this query:

query { colors { name, keys } }

I get the desired results:

  name: "colors",
  keys: ["red", "blue"]
like image 140
Mdd Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 22:10
