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How would I write this function in point-free style?



I'm just looking to make general improvements to my Haskell code, and was wondering if the following function could be made point-free? Mostly for curiosity's sake.

Given two functions which we'd like to use in our filter:

isZero = (==0)
isOne = (==1)

How would we go about utilising those two functions in our contrived example, but making it point-free?

filter (\x -> isZero x || isOne x) [0..100]
like image 253
Wildhoney Avatar asked Aug 11 '17 09:08


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Tacit programming, also called point-free style, is a programming paradigm in which function definitions do not identify the arguments (or "points") on which they operate. Instead the definitions merely compose other functions, among which are combinators that manipulate the arguments.

What is point free style Haskell?

Point free style means that the code doesn't explicitly mention it's arguments, even though they exist and are being used. This works in Haskell because of the way functions work.

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What does point-free style mean?

Point-free style means that the arguments of the function being defined are not explicitly mentioned, that the function is defined through function composition. and if you want to combine these two functions to one that calculates x*x+1, you can define it "point-full" like this: The point-free alternative would be not to talk about the argument x:

What is point free style in Haskell?

Point free style means that the code doesn't explicitly mention it's arguments, even though they exist and are being used. This works in Haskell because of the way functions work. returns a function that takes one argument, therefore there is no reason to explicit type the argument unless you just want too.

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Tacit programming (point-free programming) is a programming paradigm in which a function definition does not include information regarding its arguments, using combinators and function composition [...] instead of variables. Point-free ( sum doesn't have any explicit arguments - it's just a fold with + starting with 0):

What does points-free notation mean?

The point is a mathematical point ( x above), hence "points-free" notation. The link gives more detail, if you need.

1 Answers

There's a online-service for converting Haskell code to point-free.

It suggests: filter (liftM2 (||) isZero isOne) [0..100]

liftA2 (||) isZero isOne or (||) <$> isZero <*> isOne is also possible

(||) <$> isZero has type a0 -> Bool -> Bool and it's the composition of (||) and isZero. This composition takes a number (for isZero) and a boolean (as another argument for (||))

So, it's the same as \x y -> (||) (isZero x) y

The function type is an instance of Applicative Functor and we can look at its implementation:

instance Applicative ((->) r) where  
    pure x = (\_ -> x)  
    f <*> g = \x -> f x (g x)

So, (||) <$> isZero <*> isOne is the same as \x -> ((||) <$> isZero) x (isOne x) and the same as \x -> (||) (isZero x) (isOne x)

Thus, if there's z x = y (f x) (g x), it can be transformed into point free: z = y <$> f <*> g

like image 166
Igor Drozdov Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 11:09

Igor Drozdov