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How would I get the min/max of a list using a key

I currently have a list of objects, each containing a certain attribute. I would like to get the element of the list with the min attribute value. Is there a concise way of doing this?

The python equivalent would be something like: min(d, key=d.get)

Is there a way of getting the min/max N elements?

like image 487
user2059807 Avatar asked May 16 '15 09:05


1 Answers

CL-USER 8 > (reduce #'min '((1) (-1) (3)) :key #'first)


CL-USER 9 > (loop for e in '((1) (-1) (3)) minimize (first e))

I fear getting the container element is more difficult:

CL-USER 9 > (defun minimum (list predicate key)
              (when list
                (let* ((m0 (first list))
                       (m1 (funcall key m0)))
                  (mapc (lambda (e0 &aux (e1 (funcall key e0)))
                          (when (funcall predicate e1 m1)
                            (psetf m0 e0 m1 e1)))

CL-USER 10 > (minimum '((a 1) (b -1) (c -2)) #'< #'second)
(C -2)

CL-USER 11 > (minimum '((a 1) (b -1)) #'< #'second)
(B -1)

CL-USER 12 > (minimum '((a 1)) #'< #'second)
(A 1)

CL-USER 13 > (minimum '() #'< #'second)
like image 69
Rainer Joswig Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 17:09

Rainer Joswig