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How use Laravel Language Translation in controller as constant? [duplicate]

Is it possible to use Laravel Language Translator (Localization) in controller as constant? Below attempt, example that does not work:

class SearchApproval extends Controller
    private $request;

    const stage_1 = Lang::get('message.failed');
like image 717
Adam Kozlowski Avatar asked Dec 06 '17 12:12

Adam Kozlowski

People also ask

What is {{ __ }} In laravel?

The __ helper function can be used to retrieve lines of text from language files. You can retrieve lines of text from either key-based translation files (represented as PHP arrays) or from literal, string-based translation files (represented as a JSON object).

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2 Answers

trans it's a global function, so you can use it directly from your controller


but this won't work as constant, so you can use it like this:

class SearchApproval extends Controller
    private $request;

    const stage_1 = 'message.failed';

    public function xxx(){
        $whatever = trans(self::stage_1);


You can use this __('Your Text') inside the controller.

like image 189
timod Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11


Use trans('message.failed') instead of Lang::get('message.failed') https://laravel.com/docs/5.5/helpers#method-trans

like image 26
Amando Vledder Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11

Amando Vledder