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Manually Creating a Paginator (Laravel 5)

I seem to be unable to manually create an instance of the paginator.

use Illuminate\Pagination\Paginator;

class Blah {
    public function index(Paginator $paginator)
        // Build array
        $var = $paginator->make($array, $count, 200);
        return $var;

From here I'm just getting Unresolvable dependency resolving [Parameter #0 [ <required> $items ]] in class Illuminate\Pagination\Paginator

like image 567
Sturm Avatar asked Mar 24 '15 19:03


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How can we manually create pagination in Laravel?

Just to say (Laravel doc): When manually creating a paginator instance, you should manually "slice" the array of results you pass to the paginator. Could you explain parameters please? The parameters are discussed over the construct method: laravel.com/api/5.0/Illuminate/Pagination/…

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2 Answers

There is no more make() method in laravel 5. You need to create an instance of either an Illuminate\Pagination\Paginator or Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator . Take a look at documentation page, Creating A Paginator Manually part


I guess it'll look something like this:

use Illuminate\Pagination\Paginator;

class Blah {
    public function index()
        // Build array
        $array = [];
        return new Paginator($array, $perPage);;

Also check this answer.

like image 78
mirzap Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 16:11


In 2019, to manualy paginate items in laravel you should instantiate Illuminate\Pagination\Paginator class like this:

// array of items
$items = [ 'a' => 'ana', 'b' => 'bla', 'c' => 'cili' ]; 

// items per page
$perPage = 2; 

// let paginator to regonize page number automaticly
// $currentPage = null; 

// create paginator instance
$paginate = new Paginator($items, $perPage);

hope this helps.

like image 32
Amin Shojaei Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 16:11

Amin Shojaei