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How two different task can goto one task in SSIS

please see the figure to get idea of the scenario.

alt text

Now when my Package will run after executing the s! task, either A or B path will be followed. So If A is followed then Task S2 and F2 is executed. But if path B is followed, task F1 and F3 is executed. But also after completing task F3, the flow should go to task S2 via path E. But this doesn't happen and as the task F3 is completed, the package ends with success.

I need help on this on how to move to path E and execute task S2 and F2 after task F3 completion.


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Adil Bhatty Avatar asked Sep 29 '10 05:09

Adil Bhatty

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1 Answers

Your problem is related to settings in your Precedence Constraints (the blue lines). You need to address Multiple Constraint settings because you have two Precedence Constraints leading to one task (S2).

Your current configuration shows that both paths A and E must complete before Task S2 will start. Since only one of these paths will complete, SSIS stops. You need to make changes so that when either path A or path E completes, start task S2.

Do the following to make the change. Right-click on either path A or path E and select Edit. In the Precedence Constraint Editor, under Multiple constraints, select "Logical OR. One constraint must evaluate to True". Click OK to close the dialog. Paths A and E will change to dotted lines, which represents the OR condition you just defined.

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bobs Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 00:10
