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how to zoom in on a complex svg structure




I have a complex set of shapes that are in the snippet. They are rendered with React but I'm really just looking for some pointers about how I would go about being able to zoom these shapes in and out.

My googling is failing and I can only really find examples of graphs.

How can zoom in and out complex structures like this?

    <svg height="767" width="903">      <g class="vx-group vx-tree" transform="translate(20, 70)">          <g class="vx-group" transform="translate(0, 70)">              <g class="vx-group" transform="translate(0, 0)">                  <path class="vx-link-vertical" d="M451.5,0C451.5,233.5,451.5,233.5,451.5,467" percent="0.5"                        stroke="#f7f7f3" stroke-width="1" stroke-opacity="0.2" fill="none"></path>              </g>              <g class="vx-group" transform="translate(0, 0)">                  <g class="vx-group" transform="translate(451.5, 0)" opacity="1">                      <g class="vx-group node__container" transform="translate(0, 0)">                          <svg class="" x="0" y="0" style="overflow: visible;">                              <polygon                                      points="25.98076211353316,-14.999999999999998 25.98076211353316,14.999999999999998 1.83697019872103e-15,30 -25.98076211353316,14.999999999999998 -25.980762113533157,-15.000000000000004 -5.510910596163089e-15,-30"                                      class="node__hexagon"></polygon>                          </svg>                          <g class="vx-group node__business-unit" transform="translate(0, 0)">                              <use xlink:href="#icon-BusinessUnit"></use>                          </g>                          <g class="hierarchy-label__container" transform="translate(0, -40)">                              <path class="" d="                                    M 0.0078125, 5.15625                                    L 34.64882865137755,25.156249999999996                                     M -0.9921875, 5.15625                                     L -34.63320365137754,25.156249999999996                                    H -65.8515625                                     a8,8 0 0 1 -8,-8                                      V -47.15625                                     a8,8 0 0 1 8,-8 H 65.8515625 a8,8 0 0 1 8,8                                     L 73.8515625, 17.156249999999996                                      a8,8 0 0 1 -8,8                                     L 34.64882865137755, 25.156249999999996                                     Z                                    ">                              </path>                              <svg x="0" y="0" style="overflow: visible;">                                  <text class="hierarchy-label__item__name" width="150" y="-25" x="0" text-anchor="middle"                                        style="pointer-events: none;">                                      <tspan x="0" dy="0em">Finance</tspan>                                  </text>                              </svg>                              <svg x="0" y="0" style="overflow: visible;">                                  <text class="hierarchy-label__item__type" width="150" y="-5" x="0" text-anchor="middle"                                        style="pointer-events: none;">                                      <tspan x="0" dy="0.71em">Business Unit</tspan>                                  </text>                              </svg>                          </g>                      </g>                  </g>              </g>          </g>      </g>  </svg>
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dagda1 Avatar asked Sep 30 '18 09:09


People also ask

How do I zoom in SVG in react?

With the tool auto the user can interact with SVG child elements, perform pan (dragging the image), zoom in (double click), zoom out (double click + shift).

How do you scale SVGs?

Any height or width you set for the SVG with CSS will override the height and width attributes on the <svg> . So a rule like svg {width: 100%; height: auto;} will cancel out the dimensions and aspect ratio you set in the code, and give you the default height for inline SVG.

What is SVG Pan Zoom?

GitHub - bumbu/svg-pan-zoom: JavaScript library that enables panning and zooming of an SVG in an HTML document, with mouse events or custom JavaScript hooks.

1 Answers

Scaling in svg is done with viewBox, which combines both scaling and offset. There is a nice article How to Scale SVG. From the following article:

If you think of the document as a canvas, the view box is part of the canvas you want the viewer to see.

It's like a screen of your cell phone in the camera app which shows part of the scene which is observed with specified scale and offsets.

enter image description here

Nice sample which demonstrates what is viewBox can be found here.

A little math and I implemented zoom in/zoom out with mousewheel. In addition added panning with mousemove and display scale value. An example which demonstrates how viewBox can be used:

const svgImage = document.getElementById("svgImage");  const svgContainer = document.getElementById("svgContainer");    var viewBox = {x:0,y:0,w:svgImage.clientWidth,h:svgImage.clientHeight};  svgImage.setAttribute('viewBox', `${viewBox.x} ${viewBox.y} ${viewBox.w} ${viewBox.h}`);  const svgSize = {w:svgImage.clientWidth,h:svgImage.clientHeight};  var isPanning = false;  var startPoint = {x:0,y:0};  var endPoint = {x:0,y:0};;  var scale = 1;    svgContainer.onmousewheel = function(e) {     e.preventDefault();     var w = viewBox.w;     var h = viewBox.h;     var mx = e.offsetX;//mouse x       var my = e.offsetY;         var dw = w*Math.sign(e.deltaY)*0.05;     var dh = h*Math.sign(e.deltaY)*0.05;     var dx = dw*mx/svgSize.w;     var dy = dh*my/svgSize.h;     viewBox = {x:viewBox.x+dx,y:viewBox.y+dy,w:viewBox.w-dw,h:viewBox.h-dh};     scale = svgSize.w/viewBox.w;     zoomValue.innerText = `${Math.round(scale*100)/100}`;     svgImage.setAttribute('viewBox', `${viewBox.x} ${viewBox.y} ${viewBox.w} ${viewBox.h}`);  }      svgContainer.onmousedown = function(e){     isPanning = true;     startPoint = {x:e.x,y:e.y};     }    svgContainer.onmousemove = function(e){     if (isPanning){    endPoint = {x:e.x,y:e.y};    var dx = (startPoint.x - endPoint.x)/scale;    var dy = (startPoint.y - endPoint.y)/scale;    var movedViewBox = {x:viewBox.x+dx,y:viewBox.y+dy,w:viewBox.w,h:viewBox.h};    svgImage.setAttribute('viewBox', `${movedViewBox.x} ${movedViewBox.y} ${movedViewBox.w} ${movedViewBox.h}`);     }  }    svgContainer.onmouseup = function(e){     if (isPanning){     endPoint = {x:e.x,y:e.y};    var dx = (startPoint.x - endPoint.x)/scale;    var dy = (startPoint.y - endPoint.y)/scale;    viewBox = {x:viewBox.x+dx,y:viewBox.y+dy,w:viewBox.w,h:viewBox.h};    svgImage.setAttribute('viewBox', `${viewBox.x} ${viewBox.y} ${viewBox.w} ${viewBox.h}`);    isPanning = false;     }  }    svgContainer.onmouseleave = function(e){   isPanning = false;  }
<span id="zoomValue">1</span>  <div id="svgContainer">  <svg id="svgImage" height="964" width="767">      <g  class="vx-group vx-tree" transform="translate(20, 70)">          <g class="vx-group" transform="translate(0, 70)">              <g class="vx-group" transform="translate(0, 0)">                  <path class="vx-link-vertical" d="M451.5,0C451.5,233.5,451.5,233.5,451.5,467" percent="0.5" stroke="#f7f7f3" stroke-width="1" stroke-opacity="0.2" fill="none"></path>              </g>              <g class="vx-group" transform="translate(0, 0)">                  <g class="vx-group" transform="translate(451.5, 0)" opacity="1">                      <g class="vx-group node__container" transform="translate(0, 0)">                          <svg class="" x="0" y="0" style="overflow: visible;">                              <polygon points="25.98076211353316,-14.999999999999998 25.98076211353316,14.999999999999998 1.83697019872103e-15,30 -25.98076211353316,14.999999999999998 -25.980762113533157,-15.000000000000004 -5.510910596163089e-15,-30" class="node__hexagon"></polygon>                          </svg>                          <g class="vx-group node__business-unit" transform="translate(0, 0)">                              <use xlink:href="#icon-BusinessUnit"></use>                          </g>                          <g class="hierarchy-label__container" transform="translate(0, -40)">                             <path class="" d="                                M 0.0078125, 5.15625                                L 34.64882865137755,25.156249999999996                                 M -0.9921875, 5.15625                                 L -34.63320365137754,25.156249999999996                                H -65.8515625                                 a8,8 0 0 1 -8,-8                                  V -47.15625                                 a8,8 0 0 1 8,-8 H 65.8515625 a8,8 0 0 1 8,8                                 L 73.8515625, 17.156249999999996                                  a8,8 0 0 1 -8,8                                 L 34.64882865137755, 25.156249999999996                                 Z                                "></path>       			          <svg x="0" y="0" style="overflow: visible;">       			              <text class="hierarchy-label__item__name" width="150" y="-25" x="0" text-anchor="middle" style="pointer-events: none;">       			                  <tspan x="0" dy="0em">Finance</tspan>       			              </text>       			          </svg>               			  <svg x="0" y="0" style="overflow: visible;">               			      <text class="hierarchy-label__item__type" width="150" y="-5" x="0" text-anchor="middle" style="pointer-events: none;">               			          <tspan x="0" dy="0.71em">Business Unit</tspan>               			      </text>               			  </svg>                         </g>                     </g>                 </g>             </g>         </g>     </g>     </svg>  </div>


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Access Denied Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 10:09

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