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How to XOR two lists in Python? [duplicate]

I've got two lists, for example:

a = ['hello','world']
b = ['hello','world','im','steve']

If I want to create a third list that only contains elements NOT in both:

c = ['im','steve']

How do I do this if the order of the elements IS important? I know I can use sets but they keep throwing out the order of my lists. I could use ' '.join(list) to convert them to strings but not sure how to do this operation in that format either.

like image 741
eddiewastaken Avatar asked Dec 27 '17 01:12


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The difference between two lists (say list1 and list2) can be found using the following simple function. By Using the above function, the difference can be found using diff(temp2, temp1) or diff(temp1, temp2) . Both will give the result ['Four', 'Three'] .

1 Answers

Option 1: set method (recommended)

Sets have a symmetric_difference method that exclusively return elements from either a or b. Order can be preserved with a list comprehension for a concatenated list a + b.

comp = set(a).symmetric_difference(b)
[x for x in a + b if x in comp]
# ['im', 'steve']

Option 2: pathlib method

For reference, another way to diff two lists might be with pathlib.Path.relative_to method:

import pathlib

p = pathlib.Path(*b)
r = p.relative_to(*a)
# ['im', 'steve']

Note: b is the longer list. This option is potentially less efficient than a simple list comprehension.

like image 171
pylang Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 04:10
